"Isn’t a Side Hustle Only Going to Increase My Stress?": Building a business without burning out

The prospect of starting a side hustle can feel as daunting as it does thrilling, especially when you already feel stretched to the limit.
Between work, family and personal commitments, the last thing you want is to add more stress by launching a business that ultimately feels like just another job.
This is where our values and purpose come in. That which is right, does not feel like labor. If you've experienced moments of flow you'll know that when we are operating in our zone of genius, there is an ease and joy to our efforts.
When I started my chocolate business, when I produced my novels and now, as I work on starting up to produce and sell silver jewellery and leather goods, I found hours joyfully passing both in making, in researching, in planning and in learning.
This is what we want from the side-hustle we secretly hope will become an important and sustaining source of income from us.
The right side hustle will become an all-consuming endeavour, energising you in ways you had not thought possible. But still, emotional resilience, strong communication with those around you, financial planning (especially if your chosen side hustle requires upfront or ongoing investment) and careful time management are needed to make sure that a side hustle can fit meaningfully into your life without burning you out.
You need to cultivate a fire within you, yet retain emotional detachment enough that your side hustle does not become an all-or-nothing escape route from reality. It will be an adornment to your life. It may yet become your life's purpose, but initially at least, curiousity is a more important quality than commitment.
Here’s a guide to finding that balance, backed by research and practical strategies to help you maintain energy, enthusiasm, and wellbeing.