The Passions and Values Audit Tool

The Passions and Values Audit Tool

Our Passions and Values audit tool is a recommended introduction for all new members, and has outstanding feedback from those who have worked through it.

As well as being of huge value in itself, it is also an introduction to the practice of journalling for growth and familiarises you with some key concepts we refer to in other resources.

Aiming to reorientate you away from the skills and accomplishments mindset, which often forces us to value ourselves and label ourselves in ways which serve corporate goals, but don't reflect us fully, this detailed workbook helps us answer questions like:

  • What motivates me?
  • Who am I without my job?
  • What do I find effortless?
  • How do I recover childlike optimism and ambition for my projects?
  • What are fundamental truths about me that I need to work with in any future worklife project?

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